Ashford Indpendent Councillors have been trying to help us find our way around by making sure road signs have the correct information and are clean enough to read.
Cllr Howard Turner (Bybrook) likes to see the neighbourhood looking tidy, and he has a hands on approach (literally) to making that happen.
Howard has run a personal campaign to clean up all the road signs in Bybrook. Armed with bucket, brush and some abrasive cleaner he has scrubbed every road name sign he can find in his campaign to keep Bybrook tidy. In some cases he employed his artistic talents to repaint the lettering and is proud of the difference that a little time and elbow grease makes. Howard says: –
“It’s a matter of pride. Everyone should be prepared to help keep our area looking nice. It upsets me when some people do the opposite. Littering makes me very cross! As I walk around I try to make a difference in this small way.”

On a larger scale, Andy Rogers (Aylesford and East Stour) was swift off the mark when a major oversight somehow led to ‘Newtown’ appearing as ‘Newton’ on a new road sign near the Orbital Park on the A2070. Andy commented: –
“It’s quite clearly unacceptable. Residents in Newtown in particular feel like the area is always left out when they are a great community. To have that much disruption, with the works, it’s just an embarrassment. There have been so many delays and they still can’t even get the sign correct. Newtown is not that hard.”
It turned out to be a ‘human error’ on the part of the contractor and the sign was duly replaced.