Kennington Councillor Pledge to Disregard Tory Party Affiliation

The new ABC Councillor for Kennington has pledged to ignore his affiliation to the Conservative party. In speaking to reporter Charlie Harman from the Kentish Express, newly elected Nathan Iliffe said “I will stand up for Kennington, I believe that is the real way a councillor works regardless of party affiliation“ Perhaps Cllr Iliffe should come […]

Tories Struggle to hold seat in Kennington By- Election

20 votes short of a win for Ashford Independents After a well fought campaign in Kennington AI candidate Ian Anderson fell just 20 votes short of gaining the seat. Peter Davison, Chairman of the Ashford Independent Association said: “Thank you to all those who helped in the Kennington by-election for the well-planned and well-executed campaign.  The AIP […]

Vote Ian Anderson

Kennington By-election 25th October 2018 Read more about Ashford Independent’s  candidate Ian Anderson here

Quinn Estates donate £25,000 to Conservative party

  A quick search on the Electoral Commission website reveals donations from Quinn Estates Limited to the Conservative Party totalling over £25,000. Below is an article published on The Canary Website – an independent media site, highlighting the shocking statistics of Developer donations to Political groups. Read the full article from  below ….. (The Ashford […]

Letter to the Kentish Express

Ian Anderson Ashford Independent  candidate for the Kennington by-election on 25th October 2018 writes to the Kentish Express in response to a letter from campaigner Mark Street

By- Election Posters are UP!!

A huge thanks to Ashford Independent supporters who are sporting Ian’s posters. A drive around the Kennington Ward quickly revealed the huge support that Ian is receiving from Kennington residents. With over 1000 leaflets delivered the huge task of visiting every resident has begun in earnest. Ian has been out every day, joined by AIP Councillors […]

Kennington By-Election – Thursday 25th October 2018

IAN ANDERSON                                             Ashford Independent Candidate  Who am I? Ian has lived with his wife in Ashford Borough for 35 years. Ian owns and operates his own Consulting Engineering business in Bethersden, specialising in drainage […]

Spring Supper with the Mayor

22 Ashford Independent members joined the Spring Supper in April and enjoyed a delicious meal at the Kings Head, Shadoxhurst. The Mayor, Winston Michael regaled the group  with stories from his exciting year as Mayor.  Cllr Winston Michael – Former Major of Ashford raised £55,157  a record sum for the Mayor’s Charities including: Wyvern School Foundation […]